Monday, October 31, 2011

Ready for liftoff!

Well, I had a pleasant return visit to Upstate New York, but tomorrow I'm hitting the road to go back to the Great White North.  I've spent the past few days gathering my provisions and supplies for the journey ahead.
Already acquired:

One (1) Large box of Nerds (to give to my friend Hannah if I do not eat them all on the bus.) (I would like to apologize in advance to Hannah for eating her Nerds.)

Two (2) Flannel shirts, purple in hue (Never thought I'd say this, but I need to wear more plaid if I want to fit in)

One (1) Complete season of South Park (As the DVD's of Futurama were too expensive and Comedy Central doesn't stream to Canada.)

Two (2) Books: Dostoevsky's The Idiot (so I have something to read when I'm feeling like the only sane person in a world gone mad), as well as a guide to humorous Quebecois expressions (when I'm in a more lighthearted, utilitarian mood.)

Seventeen (17) containers of various types of medication and nasal sprays (I'm not sure why they gave me nasal sprays because my ear hurts.  Maybe my pharmacist is just sadistic.)

Yet to be acquired:

One (1) decent pair of Smugglin' pants

Two (2) bus tickets

Various (4<) Garden gnome accessories.

I feel really bad because I screwed up my schedule and was consequently unable to visit my best friend in the whole wide world this week.  I had a Quebec-pride flask to give her, but she never got it.  (I'm sorry, Erin.)  So I have decided to start dressing up the garden gnome she gave me at Christmastime in seasonal outfits when I get back to TR, and I will send her pictures.  That way, it'll be almost like we are together for HolidaySeasonPreparationTime! again.

Any suggestions for what I should pack the next time I make the trip?  Or for HolidaySeasonPreparationTime! ?

Much love,


  1. Sorry we missed seeing you this trip, Dae. If I'd known your family would end up missing family dinner, I would have made a better effort to see you before or after that. I didn't realize that you stayed until today either. I thought you probably went back on Sunday. When do you return?
    Aunt Wendy

  2. I'm sorry I missed seeing you, too...I really don't know where I'm going to be until the last minute these days. I also thought I'd leave on Sunday :)

    My classes end the week before Christmas, so I should be home then. I look forward to bringing back souvenir presents for everyone!

  3. Hey Dae,

    The next time you come home, we can lend you our Futurama DVD's to take back with you. We've watched them ad nauseum, and it's on Netflicks anyway, so we don't really need them.

    Gimme a shout if your interested and I'll run them to your parents.


  4. That would be awesome! Thanks!

    Love, Dae
